X-Ray Diffraction(XRD) study
We carry out different types of XRD studies to study the crystalline quality of the epitaxial layers
Liquid He Cryostat

It has a split coil superconducting magnet and four optical widows. Different magneto-optical studies such as magneto-optical kerr effect (MOKE), polarization resolved photoluminescence (PL) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and magneto-transport studies such as magneto resistance, anomalous hall etc. can be carried out at variable temperatures ranging from 1.5 to 300K and magnetic field ranging from 0 to 7 T

Micro PL
Temperature range: 80 to 500K, excitation energies: 325 nm, 532 nm, 607 nm and 632 nm, spectral range: 300 to 900 nm

Electrical Techniques
Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), Thermally stimulated current spectroscopy (TSC), Photoconductivity, current-voltage, capacitance-voltage, hall measurement

Time resolved study
Time response of photodetectors and light emitting diodes